The original 6 founders of AMPHL: Danielle Rastetter (right), Kim Dodge (bottom), and Jason Sobel (left) on left, Kate Salvatore top right, Michelle Nashleanas middle right, and Candie Corriher bottom right.
AMPHL began with several Deaf and hard-of-hearing medical professionals (veterinarians, physicians, and students) who found each other. Danielle Rastetter, Jason Sobel, Kate Salvatore, and Michelle Nashleanas met each other through a newly formed group called the Society of Hearing lmpaired Physicians (SHIP).
Danielle Rastetter, Kim Dodge, and Candie Corriher connected with each other while searching for Deaf veterinarians on the internet. ln the summer of 1997, Danielle Rastetter created the NOISE listserve for medical professionals with hearing loss, which helped everyone keep in touch and discuss obstacles and solutions for overcoming the challenges.
SHIP had a meeting during the PriMed medical conference in Boston, MA in 1998. Danielle and Kim (in attendance at that meeting) became frustrated that SHIP did not want to formally expand to include other professions such as the veterinary profession. Therefore, a new group, the Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses (AMPHL), was formed to include all medical professionals with hearing loss. Danielle Rastetter registered AMPHL as a nonprofit organization in the state of Ohio in 1999.
AMPHL's first bylaws were signed by AMPHL's six founders: Danielle Rastetter, Jason Sobel, Candie Corriher, Kim Dodge, Michelle Nashleanas, and Kate Salvatore. By January 10, 2000, AMPHL was listed as a nonprofit organization in the state of Ohio.
Fast forward to today, AMPHL continues to thrive, evolve, and grow. With the recent merging relationship with the Deaf Health Initiative, AMPHL is now incorporated as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization in the State of Maryland.